Water innovation for
a climate resilient future

Submissions open 29 July 2024

Climate change is already impacting upon Victoria’s water security and amplifying the risks our water sector is facing from more likely, more intense, more frequent, and overlapping emergency events.
The Water Minister’s Climate Innovation Challenge aims to facilitate investment in climate innovation to generate sector-wide transformational outcomes and inspire further climate actions.
The annual competition is a collaboration between the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), the Intelligent Water Networks (IWN) and the Minister for Water.
By funding innovations that bring about real climate action and sharing the approaches, outcomes and key learnings, the whole sector and the communities we serve will benefit from the Challenge. This enables the water sector to collectively accelerate climate action opportunities.

It is expected that climate change will continue to impact the sector in the future, and that the impacts are likely to become more severe over time.

The Hon. Harriet Shing MLC, Minister for Water

The Challenge aims to:
  • Promote and recognise innovation within the water sector.
  • Increase the resilience of the water cycle by supporting the sector to harness new opportunities that may arise through effective climate action while delivering essential water services to the environment and the Victorian community.
  • Reduce barriers for the Victorian water sector to explore and implement innovative solutions to climate change challenges.
  • Support collaboration and capacity building within the sector.
  • Share key learnings and generate sector-wide transformational outcomes while inspiring climate action within the Victorian water sector and beyond.

The Challenge will encourage commitment and support for the water sector to harness new opportunities that may arise through effective climate action.

Challenge Rules in brief

The Challenge will deliver a Ministerial Innovation Award to the Victorian water sector and promote and recognise innovation. It will operate over three rounds over the next three years, commencing in July 2023.

The prize pool for the Challenge Round Two (2024) is $255,000. This money will be awarded to one or multiple submissions at the discretion of the judging panel.

The Challenge is open to all Victorian Water Corporations. Collaborative submissions are encouraged provided the submission is led by a Victorian Water Corporation.

Submissions must meet the competition brief and all areas of the submission must be addressed and must be endorsed by an Executive representative from within the submitting organisation.

A submission cannot be shortlisted unless all criteria is met.

Entries must be submitted via this website via the Awardforce competition software platform.

Winners of the Challenge are to provide progress reports every 6 months following the receipt of the prize money, including potential site inspections, completion/implementation reports, and benefits and impacts realisation report.

> Download Submission and Judging Guidelines

Assessment Criteria

Stage 1 – Eligibility Review

  • All the required fields of submission have been completed by applicant
  • The submission is led by a Victorian Water Corporation
  • The submission was received before the closing time and date
  • The submission has been endorsed by an Executive Team member from the submitting water corporation
  • The submission is focussed on an initiative or project that aims to deliver a positive climate outcome

Stage 2 – Shortlisting Criteria and Weighting

  • Climate Outcomes:  The degree to which the project demonstrates achieving a real and measurable positive climate outcome consistent with the DEECA climate action objectives. (40%)
  • Sustainability:  The degree to which the project outcomes can be maintained or improved in the future and scaled across the water sector in Victoria. (30%)
  • Capability to deliver the project:  The degree to which the applicant can demonstrate their capacity and capability to successfully undertake and deliver the project/activity. (20%)
  • Risk Identification and Control:  The degree to which the applicant identifies potential risks and adequate actions to remove, reduce or manage those risks. (10%)

2024 Challenge Timeline

6 October

Entries Close at 5 pm (AEDT)

29 July – 6 October

Stage 1
Eligibility Review

7 – 18 October

Stage 2
Judging Period

21 November

Shortlisted Submissions Notified

15 – 18 November

Stage 3
Final Pitch event and Recommendations to Ministers office

29 November

Announcement by the Minister

Judging Stage 1 – Eligibility Review
Submissions will be reviewed by the judging panel to determine eligibility for acceptance into the Challenge. The review will check that the submitting organisation is a Victorian Water Authority, that the submission form has been adequately completed and addresses the submission criteria.

Judging Stage 2 – Shortlisting
Eligible submissions will be assessed by the judging panel to determine the degree to which a submission satisfies the assessment criteria. Judges will use the weighted scoring system described in the assessment criteria section of this document to ensure all submissions are judged in a fair and equitable manner.

Judging Stage 3 – Final Judging Endorsement by Water Minister
The judging panel’s recommended winners will be submitted to the Victorian Water Minister for endorsement.

Submissions Open 29 July 2024 and Close 6 October 2024

WMCIC – “The Challenge”- Frequently Asked Questions

The Water Minister’s Climate Innovation Challenge (the Challenge) is a collaboration between the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), the Intelligent Water Networks (IWN) and the Minister for Water to deliver Action 10.3 of Water for Victoria to promote innovation within the water sector.

The Challenge is an annual competition for all Victorian water corporations and provides a structured way to drive innovation, adaptation and collaboration on key climate challenges facing the sector.

The Challenge will incentivise individual water corporations to explore and invest in climate innovation while continuing to deliver essential water services to Victorians.

Climate change is already impacting upon Victoria’s water security and amplifying the risks our water sector is facing from more likely, more intense, more frequent, and overlapping emergency events.

It is expected that climate change will continue to impact the sector in the future, and that the impacts are likely to become more severe over time.

From Victoria’s Climate Change Act 2017

Climate Change: means a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.

From Victoria’s Climate Change Act 2017

Climate adaptation: means any process of adjusting to actual or expected climate and its effects that:

a.  in human systems, seeks to moderate or avoid harm or exploit beneficial opportunities; and
b.  in natural systems, may be facilitated by human intervention

The Water Minister’s Climate Innovation Challenge aims to facilitate investment in climate innovation to generate sector-wide transformational outcomes and inspire further climate actions. This is the primary goal of the Challenge.

By funding innovations that bring about real climate action and sharing the approaches, outcomes and key learnings, the whole Victorian Water sector and the communities we serve will benefit from the Challenge. This enables the Victorian water sector to collectively accelerate climate action opportunities.

The Challenge aims to:

  • Promote and recognise innovation within the Victorian water sector.
  • Increase the resilience of the water cycle by supporting the sector to harness new opportunities that may arise through effective climate action while delivering essential water services to the environment and the Victorian community.
  • Reduce barriers for the Victorian water sector to explore and implement innovative solutions to climate change challenges.
  • Support collaboration and capacity building within the Victorian Water sector.
  • Share key learnings and generate sector-wide transformational outcomes while inspiring climate action within the Victorian water sector and beyond.

The Challenge is open to all Victorian Water Corporations. Submissions will not be accepted from any other organisation or individual. Collaborative submissions are encouraged provided the submission is led by a Victorian Water Corporation.

The Challenge also provides a Leadership practice field for the development of the sector’s emerging leaders to drive innovation and transformation within their organisations and across the Victorian Water sector.

Submissions open 29 July 2024
Submissions close 6 October 2024
Eligibility review – Stage 1 29 July – 6 October 2024
Judging period – Stage 2 – Shortlisting 7 October – 18 October 2024
Announcement of the finalists 21 October 2024
Judging period – Stage 3 – Final Pitch 15 November 2024
Agree prize structure 15 November – 17 November 2024
Briefing to DECCA/Ministers Office 18 November 2024
Announcement by Minister / Award Ceremony 29 November 2024

Awardforce is an awards management software that IWN has introduced this year (2024) to improve the award management and judging process.

To submit an entry to the Water Minister’s Climate Innovation Challenge you must create a login and submit your entry via this platform.

Submissions to made via the Awardforce website

  • Supporting documents must be in an acceptable file type such as PDF, MP4 or JPEG. The maximum file size for a submission is 10MB. All supporting documents are to be attached to the submission entry. Maximum of 5 pieces.
  • Supporting video presentations are encouraged.
  • Submissions must be received by 5pm AEST on Sunday 29 September 2024.
  • Questions regarding submissions or the submission process can be addressed through the submission website.

NOTE: No hard copy submissions will be accepted. Late and incomplete submissions will not be considered.

The prize pool for the 2024 Challenge is $255,000. The prize pool may be awarded to one or more submissions based on merit assessed by the Judging Panel using the assessment criteria. The judges will determine how the prize pool is split between the winning submissions.

If no suitable submissions are received, the prize may not be awarded in this round. Any unallocated prize money will be retained for later rounds of the Challenge.

All prize winners will be provided with an Agreement that specifies the agreed project milestones and outcomes, funding, reporting requirements and knowledge sharing requirements.

If you require assistance preparing or submitting your submission, please contact the IWN team at:

IWN Contacts:
Jason Cotton, Program Director Jason.Cotton@iwn.org.au
The Challenge email climateinnovationchallenge@iwn.org.au

Yes. The Challenge has an Executive Steering Committee and reportable deliverables to DEECA, under The Challenge Funding Agreement

Yes. It is available on The Challenge Website climateinnovationchallenge.org.au

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IWN is a program of VicWater established by and working with its member water corporations.

IWN’s purpose is to contribute to the transformation of the water industry by driving the exploration and adoption of innovative approaches, thinking and technologies and create opportunities that foster emerging leadership talent.
