Water innovation for
a climate resilient future

Opening Soon for 2025!

Climate change is already impacting upon Victoria’s water security and amplifying the risks our water sector is facing from more likely, more intense, more frequent, and overlapping emergency events.
The Water Minister’s Climate Innovation Challenge aims to facilitate investment in climate innovation to generate sector-wide transformational outcomes and inspire further climate actions.
The annual competition is a collaboration between the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), the Intelligent Water Networks (IWN) and the Minister for Water.
By funding innovations that bring about real climate action and sharing the approaches, outcomes and key learnings, the whole sector and the communities we serve will benefit from the Challenge. This enables the water sector to collectively accelerate climate action opportunities.

It is expected that climate change will continue to impact the sector in the future, and that the impacts are likely to become more severe over time.

 The Hon. Harriet Shing MP, Minister for Water introduced her Water Minister’s Climate Innovation Challenge in 2023.

IWN logo
The Challenge aims to:
  • Promote and recognise innovation within the water sector.
  • Increase the resilience of the water cycle by supporting the sector to harness new opportunities that may arise through effective climate action while delivering essential water services to the environment and the Victorian community.
  • Reduce barriers for the Victorian water sector to explore and implement innovative solutions to climate change challenges.
  • Support collaboration and capacity building within the sector.
  • Share key learnings and generate sector-wide transformational outcomes while inspiring climate action within the Victorian water sector and beyond.

The Challenge encourages commitment and support for the water sector to harness new opportunities that may arise through effective climate action.